Responsible Parenthood as the Foundation of a Child's Success in Education

  • Anna Śniegulska Uniwersytet Rzeszowski Wydział Pedagogiczny


This paper is an attempt to look at parenthood in the context of supporting the child in the educational process. It emphasizes the idea that educational success and further achievement and well-being of the child largely depend on the way and quality of educational role performed by parents. Other important factors include parents’ social and professional status, financial situation as well as parental awareness and responsibility.

The results of survey research used in this work show that the students of Rzeszów University Teaching Faculty see a considerable need of parental involvement in the teaching process of their offspring, which results mainly from a faulty school system.

The findings of the research are useful for teaching practice. Firstly, it seems that nowadays there is a need to look for new solutions that would make school and teachers

closer to the real needs and capabilities of children and their parents. On the other hand, there is also a growing need for intensified educational activity directed to parents and potential parents aimed primarily at developing responsible parenting attitudes.


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How to Cite
Śniegulska, A. (2017). Responsible Parenthood as the Foundation of a Child’s Success in Education. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 6(2 (12).