The Role of the Media in Upbringing Children of Pre-school Age

  • Anna Skoczek
Keywords: Electronic media, language acquisition delay, selective attention, cognitive functions, empathy, aggression, addictions




This article is a voice in discussion related to the role of mass media in educating and upbringing children in pre-school age. Human being in current times is best described as homo mediorum, who more or less depends from digital media. Those behaviours and other media related addictions are being transmitted to children nearly from the very first day of their lives. What are the consequences of that? Unfortunately, most of the consequence are negative. Research shows there are difficulties with language acquisition, selective attention, correct development of cognitive functions and it may even lower the intelligence level. Summarising it is clear that electronic media do not support education. What about upbringing? Mass media generate difficulties in interpersonal relations, lead to aggression, lack of empathy and addictions. Conclusion? It is impossible to withdraw mass media from children lives but let us try to decrease their influence in the lives of the youngest children.



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How to Cite
Skoczek, A. (2017). The Role of the Media in Upbringing Children of Pre-school Age. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 6(2 (12).