Special Education vs Inclusive Education in the Synergy of Educational Environments

  • Natalia Andriichuk


Inclusive education can be considered a modern approach to the both general and special education. For providing the best conditions of getting a proper education for every student irrespective of their social status, gender, colour of skin, state of health, etc. it is essential to provide professional environment, support and assistance at schools for those who need it as well as create healthy educational environment in the students’ group. The problem is accomplished by the fact that not all students with special educational needs are recommended or able to visit public schools because of the extent of their disease. Therefore the role of special education here shouldn’t be abolished. So, the article is aimed to analyse the world scientific approaches to special and inclusive education and make a comparative characteristics of the three types of schools: special school, school with integrated study and inclusive school.

Keywords: special education, inclusive education, educational environments, special school, school with integrated study, inclusive school.

Author Biography

Natalia Andriichuk

Associate Professor Natalia Andriichuk, Ph.D.

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Ukraine

Department of Foreign Languages and Modern Teaching Techniques

ul. Velyka Berdychivska, 40

Zhytomyr, Ukraine, 10008



The primary scientific interest is the fundamentals of inclusive education, the development tendencies of inclusive education in the world and especially in Nordic countries, the implementation of inclusive education into the general education process and working out the Ukrainian model of inclusive education.


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How to Cite
Andriichuk, N. (2017). Special Education vs Inclusive Education in the Synergy of Educational Environments. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 6(2 (12). https://doi.org/10.35765/mjse.2017.0612.04