Visual Art in Nursery Schools

  • Ivana Rochovská Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Education
  • Dagmar Krupová Pohorelá Primary school with Nursery School


This paper focuses on the possibilities of applying an interpretation of visual art in a nursery school. It defines the concept of visual arts and briefly deals with the issue of an interpretation of visual arts. It presents a preview of the educational project for the children, called Umělci v mateřské škole (Artists in Nursery School), which was published in a complete form within a separate publication. It stresses the importance of implementing visual arts in pre-primary education.

Author Biographies

Ivana Rochovská, Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Education

Docent at the Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok (Institute of Juraj Páleš in Levoča). She has completed university studies (Masters and PhD) at the Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University, in Banská Bystrica, in the field of pre-school and elementary education. Received her habilitation from the Eszterházy Károly College in Eger, Hungary. The scientific interests of the author are orientated towards science education in preschool and elementary school education, as well as the use of investigative methods in pre-primary and primary education and the application of visual art in pre-primary education.

Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok
Institute of Juraj Páleš in Levoča
Bottova 15
054 01 Levoča

Dagmar Krupová, Pohorelá Primary school with Nursery School
Deputy Director of the Nursery School in the Pohorelá Primary School with a Nursery School. She completed her university education (undergraduate and graduate) at the Faculty of Education at Matej Bel University, in Banská Bystrica, in the field of pre-school and elementary education. She also studied in the same field at the Faculty of Education of the Catholic University in Ružomberok. She addresses innovations in pre-primary education, focusing on the development of science and the visual literacy of children.
Pohorelá Primary school with Nursery School.
Kpt. Nálepku 878
976 69 Pohorelá


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How to Cite
Rochovská, I., & Krupová, D. (2016). Visual Art in Nursery Schools. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 5(2 (10). Retrieved from