Selected aspects of early childhood education and primary education in the Slovak Republic during the period of transformation of the Slovak education system

  • Iveta Kovalčíková University of Presov in Presov, Slovak Republic
  • Juraj Kresila University of Prešov in Prešov Faculty of Arts ul. 17. novembra 15, 08001 Prešov, Slovak Republic phone: 00421905566790
  • Monika Miňová University of Prešov in Prešov Faculty of Education ul. 17. novembra 15, 08001 Prešov, Slovak Republic phone: 00421905566790


The aim of this contribution is to assess selected aspects of the development of early childhood education and primary education in the Slovak Republic (SR) during the last twenty years in the context of the process of the transformation of the Slovak education system. Our aim is to emphasise: 1. the formation of a legislative framework for education reforms in SR; and 2. the development of a curriculum for early childhood and primary education. The contribution outlines various mechanisms for curricular transformation which are dependent on mutual conpgurations and the characteristic components of this diocult process. In the contribution we name the basic factors determining the conditions for the preparation, the implementation process and the assessment of results of education reform in early childhood and primary education. At the end of the article we oner suggestions which we feel could lead to the successful modipcation or further implementation of education reform in the Slovak Republic.

Author Biographies

Iveta Kovalčíková, University of Presov in Presov, Slovak Republic
Iveta Kovalcikova is professionally affiliated with the Department of Preschool and Elementary Padagogy and Psychology, Faculty of Education, of the University of Presov. She is a national coordinator for the Slovak Republic in the CiCe network – Children Identity and Citizenship Education in Europe (London Metropolitan University), former Fulbright research scholar at the Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies, and Expertise (PACE CENTER) Yale University, USA. Her research focuses on: Cultural-psychological research of minorities and dynamic testing of abilities, Compensatory education of the pupils with social handicap and cultural deprivation – with particular emphasis on cognitive and executive functioning.
Juraj Kresila, University of Prešov in Prešov Faculty of Arts ul. 17. novembra 15, 08001 Prešov, Slovak Republic phone: 00421905566790
Juraj Kresila is a lecturer at the Institute of British and American Studies, University of Presov, the Slovak Republic. In his PhD dissertation he analysed the educational provisions of the English and Slovak state curricula. His previous publications concerning the above topic include ‘Curricular Reform in Slovakia in a Comparative Context’, Journal of Pedagogy. Currently, his research orientation also involves the cultural aspects of place semiotics.
Monika Miňová, University of Prešov in Prešov Faculty of Education ul. 17. novembra 15, 08001 Prešov, Slovak Republic phone: 00421905566790
Monika Minova is a lecturer at the Department of Pre-school and Elementary Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty of Education, the University of Presov, and is currently a president of the World Organization for pre-school education in Slovakia (OMEP). Her research interests include pre-school education issues, the management and marketing of kindergartens and an alternative approach towards pre-school education. Her PhD. thesis examined the development of Romany children and their adaptation, from family and kindergarten, to primary school.


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How to Cite
Kovalčíková, I., Kresila, J., & Miňová, M. (2012). Selected aspects of early childhood education and primary education in the Slovak Republic during the period of transformation of the Slovak education system. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 1(1 (1). Retrieved from