Human Rights in the Magical World of Consumption
The world of consumption and the consumerist society figure prominently within the social reality of capitalism. A distinctive feature of that world is that its focus on consumption is so strong as to justify speaking of an ideology of consumerism – one highly expansive in orientation, so that it takes in both rich and developing countries. The world of consumption is a world which delights --- at first sight --- due to its abundance of goods, the widespread access to them it offers, and its almost unlimited possibilities. Because of this, the wonder-inducing world of consumption is sometimes regarded as magical. The affluence which surrounds human beings seemingly does not call for any hard work or effort, while all goods seem to just appear miraculously on the shelves in shops. But is the world of consumption as wonderful as it seems at first sight? Is this world genuinely friendly? It seems reasonable to question the level of actual implementation of human rights in this world. This article aims to give answers to these questions.References
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