The Family and its Ethos. A Philosophical Case Study in Ontologico-Historical Understanding

  • Carl Humphries Wydział Filozoficzny, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie
Keywords: family, ontologico-historical understanding, ethos


This paper attempts an investigation of the system of references and interdependencies linking historical and ontological concerns to one another in the context of family life as we know it today. The results are examined with a view to establishing their implications for some broader issues pertaining to post-Heideggerian phenomenology, critical social theory (Adorno), and post-Wittgensteinian philosophy of language. Finally, the distinctive form of intelligibility presented here is compared to the conception of ethos presented in Aristotle’s account of rhetorical practice.



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How to Cite
Humphries, C. (2013). The Family and its Ethos. A Philosophical Case Study in Ontologico-Historical Understanding. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 19(2), 7-31.
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