Gratitude: its nature and its varieties

  • Stanisława Tucholska
Keywords: gratitude, benefit, giver, donation


Gratitude is an important psychological construct in positive psychology, the psychology of religion, and the psychology of spirituality. Until recently, however, psychologists have largely ignored it. Even so, its significance for social and individual life has begun to emerge in the context of cognitive psychology, as something that contributes to personal well-being, the strengthening of interpersonal relations, and good social behaviour. Generalizing, we may say that gratitude is a positive response to one’s being in receipt of some beneficial good, whether it comes from other people, from one’s life conditions, from nature, or from God. The purpose of this article is to attempt a psychological definition of gratitude, along with an outline of its nature as an emotional state, personality trait, mood, disposition or virtue.


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How to Cite
Tucholska, S. (2017). Gratitude: its nature and its varieties. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 22(2), 75-99.
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