Failed Attempt: the Foreign Country of Adolescence in The Go-Between by L.P. Hartley

  • Sylwia J. Wojciechowska Ignatianum Jesuit University, Krakow
Keywords: adolescence, process of maturation, symbolical thinking, morality, relational teaching


Numbered in the compulsory reading lists, L.P. Hartley’s famous The Go-Between (1953) seems a novel predestined to become a subject of a discussion on relational teaching. The wide acclaim of both the novel and the film may be a proof of its timeless topicality. The present article offers an analysis of  the literary rendering of the process of maturation and the meaning of interpersonal relations in adolescence. Next to school environment, private sphere and peer group are scrutinized in terms of the exposure of  failed communication processes.

Author Biography

Sylwia J. Wojciechowska, Ignatianum Jesuit University, Krakow
Department of English Language and Culture


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How to Cite
Wojciechowska, S. J. (2018). Failed Attempt: the Foreign Country of Adolescence in The Go-Between by L.P. Hartley. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 7(1 (13).