Social Equality Through Multicultural Education – a Means for Reducing Prejudices and Stereotypes in the Educational Process

  • Martin Kaleja University of Ostrava, The Czech Republic
Keywords: multicultural education, prejudice, social equality, stereotype, oppression, education


The paper deals with the topic of social equality. It devnes the basic terminology, clarives the issue in the context of reducing prejudices and stereotypes. It emphasizes the importance of developing the processes and mechanisms for social equality, for fostering humanity in human beings. One of the key mechanisms is multicultural education. The author of the paper interprets it in the educational process, beginning with preschool education and ending with tertiary education.

Author Biography

Martin Kaleja, University of Ostrava, The Czech Republic

Dr Kaleja´s professional focus is oriented towards special pedagogy (with a specialisation in ethopedy) and social pedagogy (in relation to the Romani ethnic group, to social and multicultural questions of society). He obtained his doctoral degree in special education at the Faculty of Education of Masaryk University in Brno in 2010 where he successfully defended his thesis on “Analysis of Attitudes of Parents of Roma Children to Education.”

Department of Special Education,

Faculty of Education University of Ostrava

Varenska 40s, Ostrava

The Czech Republic


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How to Cite
Kaleja, M. (2013). Social Equality Through Multicultural Education – a Means for Reducing Prejudices and Stereotypes in the Educational Process. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 2(1 (3). Retrieved from