Group Dynamics in Play and Games among Pre-school Children

  • Lucia Malinova “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of SoAa, Bulgaria
  • Bozhidar Angelov “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Keywords: pre-school education, socialization, pretend play, interaction


The article covers topical problems related to the group dynamics theory and practice in play and games in nurseries. It offers a brief overview of various research findings in the pedagogy, social psychology, cultural theories and mass media. According to the authors, play activities and games recreate social interactions of people. These activities broaden children’s views and enhance interaction skills. They should be regarded as part of children’s upbringing and education. Activities based on play and games in pre-schools are related to other factors which develop and foster children’s social skills. The findings of the present study verify that group dynamics in play and games among children mirrors children’s social behaviour and helps children build up and enhance their interaction skills.

Author Biographies

Lucia Malinova, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of SoAa, Bulgaria

Lucia Malinova, PhD works at the Department of Preschool Education, Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education, Sofia University. She is a professor in Theory of Education and Didactics (Aesthetic and Art Development and Visual Arts). Her main areas of expertise are Pedagogy of Aesthetic and Arts Culture, Art Literacy and Didactics, Didactics of Visual Art and Methodology of Art in Pre-school and Primary School Education. She is an author of numerous books, curricula and teacher’s books on the application of the fine and visual arts in preschool and primary school education.

Department of Pre-school Education

Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education

“St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia

69A Shipchenski Prohod Blvd. Sofia 1574 Bulgaria

mobile phone: +359 888 64 67 52

Bozhidar Angelov, “St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Bozhidar Angelov, PhD was Dean of the Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education for eight years (2003–2011) and Chairman of the Council of Deans at Sofia University (2007–2011). At present he is Vice Dean of the Faculty and Head of Department of Pre-school Education. He is also a member of the Academic Council of Sofia University and Organisation Mondiale pour l’Education Préscolaire (OMEP), Bulgarian Branch. He is actively involved in educational management and evaluation and the national policy for pre-school education. He is a professor in Theory of Education and Didactics (Language and Communication). His main areas of expertise are: Language Acquisition and Speech Development in Early Years, Child – Mass Communication Interaction, Mass Media and Communicative Competence. His research and publications are in the fields of language and speech, mass communication, early foreign language education, innovative approaches in the development of books, curricula and teacher’s books in the elementary school and the kindergarten.

Department of Pre-school Education

Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education

“St. Kliment Ohridski” University of Sofia

69A Shipchenski Prohod Blvd. Sofia 1574 Bulgaria

mobile phone: +359 888 72 80 48


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How to Cite
Malinova, L., & Angelov, B. (2013). Group Dynamics in Play and Games among Pre-school Children. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 2(2 (4). Retrieved from