Teaching for Wisdom in Early Modern Education

  • Elżbieta Płóciennik University of Lodz; Faculty of Educational Sciences
Keywords: early education, child in pre-school age, teaching for wisdom, values, practical intelligence


Teaching for wisdom (especially at the early educational stages) requires personal competence by the teacher, interesting teaching aids and modern, motivational techniques that stimulate and develop the child’s potential abilities and competences related to general and practical intelligence and creativity. In early education, of particular importance is the type of children’s/students’ activity that leads to the direct experiencing of the surrounding cultural, natural, technical and social reality. Such activity is undertaken by individuals through internal emotional involvement, which leads to the experience of values in an in-depth way, supporting development and gaining all kinds of practical experience, which in turn fosters maturity towards wisdom. The environment where Teaching for wisdom should be deliberately organized is school (preschool). Factual knowledge and the methodological competences of teachers can support the organization of educational situations that allow children/students to experience values and wisdom, develop their potential cognitive abilities, gain experience in the interpretation and evaluation of wise/unwise behaviour, and develop the habits of wise behaviour. These situations should be a source of getting students ready to use wisdom in life and to shape their value systems. The proposal of a detailed competence scope for the notion of wisdom is presented in the this article.

Author Biography

Elżbieta Płóciennik, University of Lodz; Faculty of Educational Sciences

Lecturer in the Chair of Preschool and Elementary School Education at the Faculty of Educational Sciences at the University of Lodz

ul. Pomorska 46/48 , 91-408 Łódź

Telephone: +48 692 327 665


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How to Cite
Płóciennik, E. (2013). Teaching for Wisdom in Early Modern Education. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 2(2 (4). Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ignatianum.edu.pl/jpe/article/view/1280