Differentiated Development in the School in Particular Motivation

  • Ágota Szabóné Balogh Szent István University, Hungary
  • Erzsébet Lestyán Szent István University, Hungary
Keywords: differentiated development, IT tools, motivation


One of the main tasks of education is the appropriate motivation of students. The authors present their investigations in the field of learning motivation, which are the elements of significant research; they examine how differentiated education affects learning features. They apply pilot and control groups to follow the effect of differentiated development over the years. One can directly apply their research results into educational practice. This present study focuses on motivation, which is one of the constituents of this research sequence. For the development of these areas, the authors looked for tools that can be used when working with 10-14 year old students, which help to motivate them and raise their interest. The authors raise the issue how and in what manner digital tools are suitable for the motivation.

Author Biographies

Ágota Szabóné Balogh, Szent István University, Hungary

Szabóné Balogh, Ágota is an IT teacher, self-awareness and personality development trainer, melioration engineer, and financial expert on economics. She has taught at the university since 2001. She has undertaken research in the area of the cognitive development of differentiated IT opportunities involving computers. She is currently waiting to defend her doctoral thesis.

Erzsébet Lestyán, Szent István University, Hungary
Lestyan, Erzsébet is a teacher, teacher of education, teacher of talent development, self-awareness and personality development trainer. She has taught at the university since 2003. Her research areas are differentiated development, learning and talent development strategies in general schools. She is currently waiting to defend her doctoral thesis.


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How to Cite
Balogh, Ágota S., & Lestyán, E. (2013). Differentiated Development in the School in Particular Motivation. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 2(2 (4). Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ignatianum.edu.pl/jpe/article/view/1284