Needs and Difficulties of Future Teachers in Dealing with Aggression and Violence in Real and Virtual Spaces
This study investigates the opinions of future teachers regarding needs and expectations when dealing with aggression and violence in real and virtual spaces, in the context of their personal experiences and future professional work. Some teachers avoid involving themselves in difficult, ‘violent’ situations that for various reasons require their intervention. Therefore, it is essential for teachers to have appropriate competencies to address these issues. The study used the diagnostic survey method. Over two years, a survey was conducted among 167 university students of teacher training and pedagogical faculties of a Polish university. The participants indicated their experiences of aggression and violence and evaluated their knowledge on the subject and the difficulties and benefits. A thorough statistical analysis of the research material reveals that those who declared a willingness to participate in the course and to learn effective action against aggression and violence had previously experienced such behaviour themselves. Furthermore, those respondents showed more interest in acquiring skills to deal with conflict situations and knowledge of how to resolve them because of their future work in the profession, their willingness to help others and their awareness of these risks. The study also recommends actions to reduce this phenomenon.
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