Design of an Innovative Model of Cooperation Between Schools and the Public for the Cybersecurity of Children and Adolescents

Keywords: education for cybersecurity, cybersecurity, innovation, collaboration, public sector


The article deals with the prevention of cyber threats to children and adolescents through the cooperation of public institutions, which can be one of the key factors in increasing safety in the virtual world. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the effectiveness of the model of cooperation of local government institutions. The novelty of the research problem lies in the attempt to practically apply the exchange of knowledge and experience between local institutions, with a particular focus on cybersecurity education. The analysis is based on students’ responses from surveys conducted between 2019 and 2021, making it possible to apply quantitative analysis and to characterize the changes in the incidence of cyberthreats. The second research tool is qualitative analysis, through which we can learn about the impact of educational activities on the level of awareness of cybersecurity. The research period has three stages: the first is before the introduction of remote learning, the second is during the pandemic and remote learning, and the third is the return to in-school learning. The research analysis deals with the problem of digital threats that the modern school, with the support of other public institutions, has to face.


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How to Cite
Górka, M. (2023). Design of an Innovative Model of Cooperation Between Schools and the Public for the Cybersecurity of Children and Adolescents. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 12(1 (23), 413-432.
2023 Innovations in Education for Developing Skills and Competences