Teachers’ Experiences in Working With Cognitively Gifted Students
The article presents the results of research into the knowledge and experience of Polish primary school teachers. The main aim of the research was to identify the experiences of primary school teachers in educational work with cognitively gifted students. Within this framework, the following research tasks were selected: (1) investigate teachers’ preferred ways of supporting cognitively gifted students in the learning process and (2) investigate the difficulties experienced by teachers in working with cognitively gifted students. The research sought answers to the following questions: How do teachers recognize the individual needs of cognitively gifted students? How do they monitor their development? How do they evaluate their progress? What methods and forms of working with gifted students do they prefer? What difficulties do they experience in working with cognitively gifted students and what are the sources? How do they deal with these difficulties? The relationship between selected aspects of teachers working with gifted students in grades 1–3 versus grades 4–8 and the level of education were examined. The empirical data show that in Polish schools, cognitively gifted students are neglected and do not receive adequate educational support from their teachers. The preferred forms and methods of organizing the education of cognitively gifted students are mainly characterized by a teacher-centered attitude. The respondents indicated that difficulties working with cognitively gifted students result mainly from a lack of time, the need to evaluate the student against the background of the class, a lack from support from experts and parents, and their own insufficient competency. The research is important because it shows the desirable changes to teacher education programs and the process of supporting teachers in their professional practice.
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