The Adaptation of the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ) to a Sample of Hungarian Secondary-School Students
The aim of the research: The goal of the research is to adapt the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ; Gati et al., 1996) to a sample of Hungarian secondary-school students.
Research method: The sample on which the questionnaire analysis was based included 507 Hungarian secondary-school students. Factor analysis was used in order to adapt the questionnaire and to determine the latent variables, that is, factors based on these correlations. With the help of this method, the number of original variables can be reduced and the original data described with the least possible information loss. To this end, the English-language measuring instrument was validated in this study.
A short description of the context of the issue: The exploration of career decision-making difficulties is crucial for personal fulfilment, optimal career fit, improved decision-making skills, reduced uncertainty and anxiety, avoidance of career dissatisfaction, and long-term career development. By addressing these difficulties, individuals can make more informed and satisfying career choices that align with their unique strengths, values, and aspirations.
Research findings: The study revealed that the factor structure of the CDDQ varies across different cultural contexts, a finding which suggests that cultural variations impact the underlying dimensions of the CDDQ.
Conclusions and recommendations: The utilization of the CDDQ allows counsellors and practitioners to obtain valuable insights into the career decision-making difficulties experienced by their clients. This enables them to customize their interventions and counselling approaches to better meet the specific needs of individuals. The questionnaire provides a well-organized and systematic framework for evaluating and tackling these difficulties, thereby facilitating the development of effective strategies and interventions in the counselling process. The diverse sets of factors across different cultural settings highlight the need to consider cultural influences when assessing and interpreting.
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