Teacher’s Age and Experience as a Modifying Factor in the Readiness For and Method of Intervention with a Student at Risk of Psychoactive Drugs

Keywords: teacher intervention, psychoactive drugs, teacher seniority, teachers’ age, school intervention procedures, readiness for intervention


This article deals with teacher interventions in crisis situations regarding a direct threat of students using psychoactive drugs on school premises, particularly in the difficult period of adolescence: 12–16 years of age. The focus of the research was on teacher interventions in situations where students are threatened by psychoactive substances. The research problem was whether the age and experience of the teacher were determinants of such an intervention. It investigated the relevance that a teacher’s age and experience have on their attitude and manner of intervening on behalf of a student when there is an imminent threat from psychoactive substances. The research investigated the importance of a teacher’s age and work experience in their attitude and the manner in which they intervene. It was carried out from 2017 to 2019 among teachers at middle schools in Bielsko-Biala, using the diagnostic survey method and a questionnaire. Statistical analysis of the results showed no statistically significant difference in teachers’ declarations of readiness for intervention. Regardless of age and tenure, the respondents declared a high readiness to intervene. On the other hand, there were statistically significant differences according to the teachers’ age and seniority in how the intervention was carried out. Teachers from different age and seniority groups (defined by a specific length of service) more often or less often took some of the actions envisaged in the intervention procedure. Thus, it is feasible to speak of a readiness, or lack thereof, to take certain intervention actions.


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How to Cite
Waluś, R., & Jasnos, R. (2023). Teacher’s Age and Experience as a Modifying Factor in the Readiness For and Method of Intervention with a Student at Risk of Psychoactive Drugs. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 12(1 (23), 275-294. https://doi.org/10.35765/mjse.2023.1223.12
2023 The Practice of Developing Skills and Competences