School Bullying and Cultural Otherness: Vulnerable Social Groups and Education
Globalization and migration are now common. Internationally, societies are changing economically, culturally, and demographically. Greek society is becoming multicultural, causing many issues such as cultural diversity and the integration of new cultures. Education is affected by population changes and must manage multiculturalism. Interpersonal, social, and emotional interactions, relationships, and experiences occur in modern schools. Intercultural education is used in the multicultural school environment to encourage respect and eliminate preconceptions. School violence, aggression, and bullying are on the rise. It is a social phenomenon that affects more and more students. In this paper, school bullying, its relationship to student ethnocultural diversity, and its management are studied. The conclusion is that school bullying and violence must be prevented and treated systematically; to this end, teacher training, the school’s program, and parent–child relationships should also be addressed.
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