Understanding Age-Related Differences in the Development of Digital Communication and Information Skills in Polish Adolescents
Research objectives: This study examines the role of digital skills in the personal and social development of young people. It aims to measure and understand these skills among the younger generation, while identifying ways to improve their development.
Research methods: The data comes from the ySkills project under Horizon 2020, a longitudinal study conducted in six countries, including Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Poland and Portugal. Specifically, we have analyzed data on Polish youth from 2021 and 2022. The sample includes 609 individuals aged 11 to 18, i.e. in the entire age range. Self-report scales assess digital skills, including technical abilities, information handling, interaction, communication and content creation. Results from the entire first wave in Poland (N=1161) are also included.
Context: In today’s digital world, digital skills are essential for personal development and social engagement. This study focuses on Poland, where digital literacy is crucial for young people. It aims to shed light on the digital competences of Polish youth.
Findings: The study found that teenagers use the Internet mainly for social interaction and are comfortable using digital communication tools, such as email, instant messaging and social media. However, it stresses the need for further education in evaluating information available on the Internet and identifying reliable sources. Gender differences were observed, with boys demonstrating greater skills in navigating and processing information, which highlights the need for additional research to address gender disparities in digital skills.
Conclusions and Recommendations: This study highlights the importance of digital skills for young people’s development and integration into society. To bridge the digital literacy gap, we recommend targeted educational interventions that improve critical thinking and source evaluation skills. Further research and objective assessments are key to comprehensively eliminating the gender gap in digital skills. It is important to be aware of the limitations of the study, including the reliance on self-reporting and the potential impact of COVID-19 on the sample. Future efforts should aim for more robust and objective means of assessing digital skills among young people in Poland.
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