Skits and Comic Illustrations: Means of Transmedia Storytelling and a Platform for Social Change through Healthy Learning

Keywords: illustration, education, health, transmedia, comedy skits, social change


Objectives of the study: The quest to establish how skits and comic illustrations have made an impact through healthy learning for social change prompted this study that focuses on students of Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, (RUGIPO) Ondo State. As a result, the research questions that guided this study were: what is RUGIPO students’ extent of exposure to skits programs and educational comic illustrations? What are the health benefits of their exposure to comedy skits and comic cartoons? What is the impact of skits and comic illustrations on the students’ lifestyles, and lastly, what are the similarities and differences in the two media that determine their transmedia rendering components.

Research method: The method used in this study is essentially a survey method, which is crucial for obtaining opinions from the target population. A descriptive research approach was also used in clarifying essential concepts.

A brief description of the context: Transmedia storytelling is narration across multiple media, each contributing to the story; in that regard, it becomes innovative. Skits with comic illustrations are forms of media that can be used in the teaching process. Their core component is humor, very popular in Nigeria, which is experiencing all forms of social problems, also evident in academia. Social learning theory, developmental media theory and the Socio-Ecological Model are the theoretical frameworks adopted in this study. They are based on the media and also rooted in psychology and sociology, thereby forming a background to ground the findings of the study.

Research findings: The findings revealed there is a great shortage of local transmedia production, while the development of transmedia narratives is a complex creative exercise from a technical point of view. However, the more students read and watch humorous content through skits and comic illustrations, the more they learn how to interact in their peer groups. Skits and comic illustrations as a form of media remain influential.

Conclusions and recommendations: Both skits and comic illustrations rely on humor. The study therefore explained that when exposed to both, the health benefits are psychological and enhance mental health. Among other things, it suggested that the National Orientation Agency of Nigeria should adopt transmedia storytelling as a strategic tool to enhance their sensitization campaigns. Creators of skits and comic illustrations are also advised to consider native  transmedia productions for wider reach and positive social change.


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How to Cite
Afolabi, B. E.- itan ’F., & Falusi , T. A. (2023). Skits and Comic Illustrations: Means of Transmedia Storytelling and a Platform for Social Change through Healthy Learning. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 12(2 (24), 297-317.