Action Research as a Path to Change in the Teaching/Learning Process
Objectives of the research: The aim of this article is to present the action research method and the methodology for its implementation, using the example of a framework report of research conducted by the author. The research presented herein was designed to capture the changes in the teaching/learning process in a selected classroom following the implementation of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) approach.
Research methods: The method used in the research was the action research method.
A short description of the context of the issue: In a rapidly changing world, education researchers face the challenge of how to study and analyze the educational process, which is (and must remain) changeable in order to keep up with the changing reality. Action research is an interesting methodological proposal. Three cycles of research are presented; for each cycle, the planning process (including research questions), actions taken, data collection methods, and results were specified separately.
Research findings: The analysis shows that the research and innovative activities resulted in the development of students’ skills in planning, organizing, and managing their learning, as well as the development of their independence, responsibility, creativity, and problem-solving skills. Their willingness to cooperate also increased. As a result, they became more active (self‑)learners. At the same time, the teachers shifted from their traditional, central role of teaching others to that of facilitators, creating learning conditions for a diverse group of students.
Conclusions and recommendations: It was demonstrated that action research is a valuable way of bringing about reflective change in the teaching/learning process. Action research is worth promoting to teacher-practitioners, as it is an effective way to introduce bottom-up changes that optimize the educational process.
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