The disadvantaged character in the literature for young readers and in inclusive education

  • Zuzana Stanislavová University of Prešov in Prešov, Slovak Republik


An inclusive education updates the dialogue between the intact population and the disadvantaged population. Artistic literature can help at an early age already in the barriers removal that thematizes various types of disadvantaged people in society. In the introduction, the author briefly explains the topicality of inclusive education and outlines the purpose and methodological aspects of the work. The main part of the study analyses the portrayal of child character with somatic and social disadvantage in the contemporary literature for pre-school and younger school age (Alexandra Salmela: Mimi and Lisa, Gabriela Futová: About the Hairless, Peter Karpinský: Adela, do not even try it!). In the conclusion, the author confronts the selected texts in terms of: 1. the authenticity degree of psychological gripping of disadvantaged characters; 2. the attitude thematization of intact population to the disadvantaged characters; 3. levels and methods of literary thematized problem; 4. the educational text's potential in relation to the formation of accepting educational environment in pre-primary and primary education.

Author Biography

Zuzana Stanislavová, University of Prešov in Prešov, Slovak Republik

Zuzana Stanislavová is the pedagogical and research specialist at the Faculty of Education, University of Prešov in Prešov. In the research she focuses on the Slovak translation for children and youth published from 1960 to the present. In recent years, she also focuses on the literary work with an emphasis on a man with handicap. Her research is oriented to literary-historical, literary criticism and theory. She is the author of numerous book articles and scientific studies.


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How to Cite
Stanislavová, Z. (2017). The disadvantaged character in the literature for young readers and in inclusive education. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 6(1 (11).