Psychological – ethical and socializing dimension of childchood autism during preschool and early school.
Autism is a disorder that becomes today the subject of many interdisciplinary studies. You can talk about a wide spectrum of autism. It concerns adults, but also children. In the article special attention is paid to autism during preschool and early school age. It should be noted that the term "autism" has enough short history as it appeared in the 40s of the twentieth century. This concept can be understood in three main areas: 1) breaking social ties or limited ability to enter into interpersonal relationships; 2) abnormal communication; 3) stiffness behaviour, restricted repertoire of activities and interests connected with to the lack of imagination. Another element of the article is the presentation of the core symptoms of autism. It is worth noting that autism is reflected by the diversity of its syndromes. It was important to pay special attention to autism. The specificity of childhood autism must be taken into account in the selection of methods situations and psychotherapeutic techniques. The point is that the effectiveness of the therapy does not undermine the fundamental norms and moral principles. One of the basic principles is the trust and respecting professional secrecy.
In this context, there is a very important proposal for the therapists and other professionals working with autistic children to constantly work on raising not only professional skills, but also care about raising the moral qualifications.
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