Axiology and Moral Education for Sustainable Development in the Context of Surveys and Workshops Conducted in a Group of Students of Early and Pre-School Pedagogy in the State Higher Vocational School (PWSZ) in Chelm
This article aims at examining to what extent Macer’s theory “sustainable development chair” (where cultural education, and the axiology and moral education within it comprises one of four fundamentals of education for sustainable development) is reflected in the capacity of knowledge and skills obtained by pedagogy students PWSZ in Chelm. The starting point for consideration is to present and analyse the questionnaire results carried out by students of the 1st and 3rd year of pedagogy PWSZ in Chelm. These results became the basis for the following workshop activities performed with the drama method application (covering those such as improvisation with the literary text, body movement and voice performance, role play). The authors intended, first of all, to assess students’ integrated order concept understanding (and within this concept: axiology and moral education) implemented with traditional instructional methods, and then innovative (drama and staging ones); secondly, to obtain materials enabling the most effective methods of education for balanced development implementation to be defined. An additive element of conducted activities was the analysis of potential students’ engagement into a new idea implementation.
Key words: sustainable development, eduction towards change, axiology, moral education
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