The Innovative Early Childhood Education Teacher – A Summary of Own Research
Content of article by Anna Szkolak The Innovative Early Childhood Education Teacher – A Summary of Own Research is related with the debate on the Polish teacher condition in the situation of the system transformation, changes in the Polish school. The particular role in this process is ascribed to an early childhood education teacher and his or her creative competences. A creative teacher is undoubtedly a teacher with great imaginativeness and inspiration, open to the ideas of others, constantly deepening his knowledge and improving his professional qualifications. Constantly faced with new educational situations, the teacher has to make sure his work is not conventional or formalized but instead requires continuous searching for and creating new solutions. Pedagogical innovation is a characteristic feature of a creative teacher. Empirical research include early childhood teachers in town environment. Their professionalism was valued on the basis of self-assessment. The research results gave the empirical material proving the fact that early childhood education teachers present a good level of creative competences. The end of article is statement, there is no one right way for helping young children achieve their creative potential. Teachers will need to continue to experiment and test alternatives to see what is effective in their situation.
Keywords: innovation, creative competences, early childhood education teacher
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Copyright (c) 2016 Anna Szkolak

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