Preparedness of Czech Primary School Teachers for Inclusive Primary Education
Preparedness of teachers to work with pupils with a need of supportive measures and especially with pupils who live and grow up in socially excluded localities, is very low. Quantitatively oriented research investigation8, carried out in 13 regions of the Czech Republic with the sample size of 2005 respondents, offers results that raise doubts towards the inclusively oriented primary education. The teachers are not ready for the phenomenon. This paper focuses on attitudinal constructs of the teachers which can be understood as evaluative relationship towards the observed phenomenon, whose form reflects the subjectively perceived preparedness. It concerned the orientation in the context of questions of social exclusion and school education, actual form of school environment and, ultimately, their own perception of school inclusion.
Keywords: preparedness, teacher, primary school, child and pupil with special educational needs, inclusive education, research, social exclusion.
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