The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. A Model of Resilient Vocation

La Autobiografía de Benvenuto Cellini. Un Modelo de Vocación Resiliente

Keywords: Benvenuto Cellini, Renaissance, Autobiography, Resilience, Benvenuto Cellini, Renacimiento, Autobiografía, Resiliencia


Benvenuto Cellini is one of the great sculptors of the 16th century. Already in his time, his works were admired in Rome, Paris and his native Florence. Beyond his works, his popularity has remained unchanged over the last four centuries thanks to his autobiography. This autobiography is an essential work for gaining first-hand knowledge of the sculptor's work, but also, and especially, of the anthropological vision of culture at the time. This article attempts to show this vision and at the same time to highlight how the reading of this autobiography is an example of how following one's vocation is a fundamental help in overcoming difficulties. 


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How to Cite
Forment Costa, J. M. (2022). The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini. A Model of Resilient Vocation: La Autobiografía de Benvenuto Cellini. Un Modelo de Vocación Resiliente. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 11(1 (21), 115-127.