Enhancing Interaction: The Crucial Role of Eye-Tracking Technology in Assessing Children with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities in Poland
The Objective of the Research: This research focuses on the pivotal role of utilizing eye-gaze assistive technology (EGAT) in diagnosing individuals with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD). The study included six children aged 5–12 with PIMD who do not use speech. The primary aim was twofold: first, to assess and validate diagnoses (certificates) issued by Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centres in Poland, which traditionally do not use eye-gaze assistive technology (NEGAT); second, to identify specific exercises from the Look to Learn and eyeLearn software that facilitate the examination of various cognitive abilities. These abilities include visual-spatial skills (e.g., perception ability, visual-auditory coordination, and precision of vision), language skills (both comprehension and expression), and logical thinking (ranging from cause-effect actions to making choices among multiple elements).
Research Method:
The study employed an action research approach with methodological triangulation, including:
- Analysis of medical and therapeutic documents (certificates from Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centres)
- Participant observation (both open and structured), and
- The multiple (collective) case study method.
Sessions using EGAT were developed, and exercises that could be used to verify specific skills were selected. The PCEye Mini Track & Learn tool—featuring Gaze Point & Gaze Viewer—was used in the research.
Structure of the Article: The article is organized into eight sections: introduction; a brief overview of the current diagnostic procedures in Poland; objectives; methods; results; discussion on improving access to EGAT; and conclusions.
Research Findings and their impact on the Development of Educational Sciences: The findings indicate that diagnoses provided by Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centres in Poland may require reconsideration. By incorporating eye-gaze assistive technology (EGAT) and re-diagnosing six children previously identified as having profound intellectual disabilities, we identified previously unrecognized abilities in speech comprehension, logical reasoning, visual-spatial skills, and learning pace. The research brings attention to the necessity for standardized tests using eye-tracking technology to assess the intellectual functioning of children with disabilities.
Conclusions and Recommendations: It is recommended that Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centres be equipped with EGAT to ensure more accurate diagnoses of children suspected of having profound intellectual disabilities. The study advocates discontinuing the issuance of certificates indicating profound intellectual disability and instead implementing functional assessments using EGAT.
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