Sukces czy porażka?
Edukacja wielokulturowa na Cyprze Lusignanów, wyspie-królestwie na styku kilku kultur
In this paper the kinds of education available to the population of the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus, founded in 1192 following the island’s conquest by King Richard I of England during the Third Crusade, shall be discussed. The extent to which Latins and Greeks on Cyprus made use of the education available on the island or pursued studies abroad on account of the lack of suitable schools of further education, a theme that has relevance today, will be dealt with, as will differences in the education received by the clergy, Latin and Greek, and by lay persons, given that much though by no means all of the education on offer was offered by members of the clergy, Latin or Greek. The availability of libraries, language education, especially when one considers that Arabic was widely spoken on Cyprus as well as Greek and the Romance languages, and the phenomenon of Cypriot students studying abroad will also be examined and discussed. Trends and developments in education on Cyprus will be analysed within a wider contemporary European context. The subjects studied by most students going abroad, law, theology, medicine, and art, as well as the reasons why they were studied will also be examined. Finally, the shortcomings of the education available in Cyprus, what was done to remedy such shortcomings and to what extent these attempts succeeded is a theme running right through this paper.
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1 Ma to miejsce, gdy osoba mająca istotny wkład jest pominięta na liście Autorów czy w Podziękowaniu.
2 Zachodzi, gdy na liście autorskiej pojawia się osoba mająca znikomy/żaden udział w pracy.