ADHD and the problem of dyslexia in school-age children

  • Elżbieta Januszewska
  • Izabella Januszewska
Keywords: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental dyslexia, combined disorders


Relative to their peers, learning difficulties are more often observable among children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – something which may often cause a discrepancy between the “estimated” intelligence of the child and the results that they achieve at school. There are reasons to think that ADHD may be co-occurring with other learning disorders, including specific difficulties with reading and writing typical of developmental dyslexia: this would be the case for 15 to 30 percent of people with ADHD. The aim of this article is to describe the relationship between the typical symptoms of ADHD and of developmental dyslexia in the areas of visual and auditory perception, as well as of motor disorders. Due to the frequent comorbidity of both disorders, they can be defined as combined disorders, which require complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.


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How to Cite
Januszewska, E., & Januszewska, I. (2017). ADHD and the problem of dyslexia in school-age children. The Ignatianum Philosophical Yearbook, 22(2), 52-74.
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