Opportunities, Possibilities and Limitations of the Development of a Gifted Student During a Pandemic in the Opinion of Parents

Keywords: remote education, gifted students, COVID-19


The introduction of remote learning during the coronavirus pandemic has changed the way of working with gifted students. The article presents the results of a survey conducted among parents of gifted students aged 10–15 years. The parents filled out an electronic questionnaire containing both open- and closed-ended questions. Data were collected on 1,477 gifted children. The aim of the research is to diagnose the opportunities, possibilities, and limitations of the development of gifted students aged 10–15 (grades 4–8, secondary education) under the distance learning during the pandemic. The subject of the study is an analysis of selected elements of educating gifted students during the pandemic. The results indicate that 36.8% of students had comfortable conditions for remote learning (their own computer and room and a good Internet connection). The students’ involvement in learning and independence were differentiated by their ability. The girls were significantly more involved than the boys and were statistically significantly more independent. The students’ involvement correlated positively with their independence. The main themes of the parents’ statements regarding the possibilities and advantages of remote education were saving time, developing and strengthening academic competences, developing existing or acquiring new skills, maintaining children’s safety and using IT tools during online learning. The students mainly developed their interests and abilities on their own, often with the support of the family, using the media or referring to online resources. No systemic support for gifted students was indicated.


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How to Cite
Trzcińska-Król, M., & Romaniuk, M. W. (2022). Opportunities, Possibilities and Limitations of the Development of a Gifted Student During a Pandemic in the Opinion of Parents. Multidisciplinary Journal of School Education, 11(2 (22), 97-116. https://doi.org/10.35765/mjse.2022.1122.05