The Portrait of an Italian Woman by Olga Boznanska Exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 1938: New Elements from a Stylistic and Archival Perspective


This targeted stylistic, bibliographical, and archival investigation casts a major light on a relevant portrait of a woman by the Polish painter Olga Boznan­ska, highlighting its rich exhibition and collection. The recent appearance in a Polish auction of a similar painting by Boznanska leads to the hypothesis that the subject of the painting—whose identity still remains a mystery—is the same in both paintings.

Biogram autora

Olga Piccolo, University of Bergamo, Italy

An independent Art Historian, she received her PhD in Art History from Università degli Studi of Bergamo, Italy in 2016 and now specializes in Fine Arts Due Diligence, Art Consulting, and Art Analy­sis and Conservation. Her research focuses on Art History with partic­ular attention on documentary sources. She is currently working on the selection and art history research of masterpieces for a new Asian State Museum which is being formed.


Bobrowska, E., & Kozakowska-Zaucha, U. (Eds.). (in press). “Catalogue Rai¬sonné” of Olga Boznanska’s Artworks in Private Collections, being compiled by the National Museum in Krakow.

Catalogue officiel de la Section polonaise à l’Exposition Internationale Arts et Techniques dans la vie moderne. (1937). Warsaw: Galewski i Dau.

Collezione Giovanni Finazzi, with an introduction by Attilio Podestà. (1942). Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d’Arti grafiche.

Higersberger, R. (Ed.). (2015). Olga Boznanska (1865–1940), Exhibition Cat¬alogue (Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, February 26–May 2, 2015). Warsaw: Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie.

Król, A., Deryng, X., & Mazowiecki, B. (Eds.). (2015). Olga Boznanska, Exhi¬bition Catalogue (Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris, October 9–November 6, 2015). Paris: Société Historique et Littéraire Polonaise, Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris.

Olga Boznanska, “Portrait of Italian Woman”, circa 1902. (2018). [Desa Unicum Auction sheet from auction in Warsaw, Decem¬ber 13, 2018, lot 10]. Warsaw: Desa Unicum S.A. https://desa. pl/en/results/old-masters-19th-centur y-and-modern-art-xplw/ portrait-of-italian-woman-circa-1902

Olga Boznanska, “Portreit Włoszki”. (2018). [Desa Unicum Auction sheet from auction in Warsaw (Sztuka Dawna, XIX wiek, Modernizm, Międzywojnie) on December 13, 2018, lot 10]. Warsaw: Desa Unicum S.A.

Olga Boznanska, “Kobieta w białej bluzce”, 1902. (2019). [Polswiss Art Auc¬tion sheet from auction in Warsaw on December 10, 2019, lot 33]. Warsaw: Polswiss Art Auction House. aukcje/226-aukcja-dziel-sztuki/10814-kobieta-w-bialej-bluzce-1902.

The International Society of Sculptors Engravers and Painters in London, Cata¬logue of the 29th London Exhibition, held at the Royal Academy of Arts, Bur¬lington House, Piccadilly-London. (1925). London: William Clowes and Sons Limited.

XXI Esposizione Biennale internazionale d’arte. Catalogo. II edition. (1938). Venice: Officine Grafiche Carlo Ferrari.

Jak cytować
Piccolo, O. 2020. The Portrait of an Italian Woman by Olga Boznanska Exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 1938: New Elements from a Stylistic and Archival Perspective. Perspektywy Kultury. 30, 3 (grudz. 2020), 211-228. DOI:
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