Myślenie krytyczne jako podstawowa kompetencja dla liderów XXI wieku

Słowa kluczowe: myślenie krytyczne, kompetencje, poznanie, profesjonalny menedżer, edukacja, metoda refleksji, zarządzanie poznawcze


Myślenie krytyczne stanowi niezbędną kompetencję w procesach poznaw­czych, podejmowaniu decyzji i działaniach menedżerów. Jego znaczenie szybko rośnie, zaś relatywnie łatwy dostęp do informacji o różnej jakości i znaczeniu pod względem ich ewentualnych implikacji może prowadzić do paraliżu decyzyjnego, dysonansu poznawczego lub skutkować większą podat­nością na manipulację. Artykuł omawia istotne aspekty myślenia krytycznego oraz możliwości rozwijania i doskonalenia myślenia krytycznego w przygoto­waniu studentów do bycia dobrymi liderami w przyszłości.

Biogramy autorów

Agnieszka Knap‑Stefaniuk, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie

Doctor of Economics (Warsaw School of Economics). She holds BA and MBA diplomas (with distinction) from Thames Valley University, and graduated Trainers School at Wszechnica of Jagiellonian University. She specializes in issues related to Human Resources Management and Intercultural management. She was a mem­ber of Polish Accreditation Commission (Team of Economic Sciences) and the Rector’s Board and the Didactic and Scientific Council of the Polish Open University. She cooperated as expert with consulting compa­nies – Otawa Group and Combidata Poland and PwC. She participated as a trainer and consultant in numerous EU projects concerning the issues of Human Resources Management and modern company management.
From 2018 – Assistant Professor in Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, Faculty of Education, Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences and Vice‑Director of this Institute for Didactic Affairs. She is a member of the Polish Economic Society, the Scientific Society for Con­temporary Management and the Polish Association of Cultural Studies. She has lectures at different foreign universities (Portugal, Spain, Italy, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Lithuania). For many years she conducted clas­ses at the Executive MBA and Msc level. She has numerous publications in the field of Human Resources Management and Intercultural manage­ment. She is a member of the Scientific Committees of Polish and Inter­national Conferences and she is a member of Scientific Boards in different Polish and foreign scientific magazines.
Scientific interests: International human resource management; inter­cultural management; multiculturalism and challenges linked with mana­ging culturally diverse teams; leadership – challenges in contemporary organisations; motivation systems and building employee involvement; competence and talent management; change management, including people management.

Eva Ambrozová, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie

Associate Professor, deals with the issue of coping with stress and mental stress in difficult conditions and situations. She has wor­ked or is working at several universities, on the editorial board of a profes­sional magazine and has collaborated on several projects of the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic. As the author of several professional publications and university textbooks, she actively participates in confe­rences in the Czech Republic and abroad. Eva Ambrozová is the Head of the Department of Humanities at NEWTON College in Brno. Her researching and publishing activities focus on the areas of education and development of competencies of professional managers and leaders. Par­ticularly she addresses the issues of Connatural Management approach in the selection, education, and training of managers in environments Indu­stry 4.0.
Scientific interests: competences of managers, competences of leaders, development of competences, critical thinking, education in the field of the development of managerial and leadership competences.


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Jak cytować
Knap‑Stefaniuk, A. i Ambrozová, E. 2021. Myślenie krytyczne jako podstawowa kompetencja dla liderów XXI wieku. Perspektywy Kultury. 33, 2 (lip. 2021), 137-152. DOI:
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