Oleh Bolyuk, Wooden sacred artefacts (as based on Ukraine’s western regions)
Lviv: Institute of Ethnology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2020, pp. 520.
Oleh Bolyuk’s book is an impressive work in terms of content and editing. Enclosed in hardcovers, navy blue with gold embellishments, with 260 A3-size half-chalk pages, nearly 450 color and black-and-white illustrations in the margins as well as inserted into the text, it entices with its enviably beautiful layout and extreme editorial diligence. At this point, it is worth emphasizing the fact that in Ukraine, researchers often have to apply for funds themselves to publish their own research and are not assisted in this by state institutions. Fortunately, the author found full support at the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which proves the exceptionally high esteem in the results of the research work presented in the book. The expeditionary research which allowed for a detailed study of the collection of church art, was made possible thanks to the support of the NGO Center for Cultural and Artistic Initiatives in Lviv.
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