A Lutheran, Maciej Vorbek-Lettow (1593–1663) and his Studies in Padua


Maciej Vorbek-Lettow – Hetman Krzysztof Radziwiłł’s physician, and later one of King Władysław IV, left a memoir, Skarbnica pamięci [Treasury of Rememberance], in which he described his medical studies in Padua in detail. Many factors contribute to the great source value of this work: Vorbek-Lettow studied in Padua in 1613–1614 as a 20-year-old; he had previous educational experience from various academic centers (Vilnius, Gdańsk, Paris, Louvain); he held the position of syndic at Padua’s Università Artisti; he actively participated in the reform of the university, which gave non-Catholics equal rights in receiving doctorates as Catholics; and he took part in the first clashes in the guerra di Gradisca. The purpose of the article is to show the activity of Vorbek-Lettow in Padua and the Republic of Venice against the historical background, taking into account the role of the Paduan faculty of medicine for the development of medical science in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth of the 16th–17th centuries.

Biogram autora

Dariusz Chemperek, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University

Professor at the Institute of Linguistics and Literary Studies at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. His research interests include Old Polish literature and culture, in particular, the view of nature in 16th–17th century literature from the perspective of ecocriticism; the literary culture of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the Renaissance and Baroque periods; research on Protestant writing of the Old Polish era. Academic editor of old texts, including occasional poetry dedicated to J.K. Chodkiewicz and a drama by A. Gryphius. Manager of editorial projects of the NPRH and Editor-in-Chief of the series Lublin Old Polish Library.


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Jak cytować
Chemperek, D. 2023. A Lutheran, Maciej Vorbek-Lettow (1593–1663) and his Studies in Padua. Perspektywy Kultury. 41, 2/1 (cze. 2023), 63-74. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2023.410201.07.