Budynek Casa Vidua Marfà

Świadectwo minionej epoki

Słowa kluczowe: architektura, dziedzictwo, Barcelona – Katalońska Stolica Kultury, XIX w.


Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona (EUFB) jest prestiżową uczelnią wyższą zlokalizowaną w centrum Barcelony, w zabytkowym budynku przy alei Passeig de Gràcia 66. Artykuł zgłębia początki oraz cechy charakterystyczne budynku Casa Vidua Marfà, obecnej siedziby EUFB, rekonstruując jego historię oraz dzieje rodzin, które przyczyniły się do jego powstania. Okres ten trwał od XVIII w. do początku XX w., gdy katalońscy kupcy znani jako „Indianie” odcisnęli swoje piętno na architekturze, gastronomii i tradycjach Katalonii. Analiza Casa Vidua Marfà obrazuje okres, w którym katalońscy kupcy, wyruszając w świat młodzi i ubodzy, udawali się do Ameryk, szczególnie na Kubę i do Portoryko, w poszukiwaniu nowych możliwości zawodowych. Po powrocie z podróży, o ile odnieśli sukces, „Indianie” kontynuowali inwestycje w przedsiębiorstwa i przemysł w całej Katalonii, przyczyniając się do procesu urbanizacji centrum Barcelony.

Biogramy autorów

Josep Boyra, Escuela Universitaria Formatic Barcelona

Holds a Ph.D. in Geography with the Mention of European Doctor, awarded by the University of Barcelona in 2005. His doctoral thesis, titled “Tourism and Environment in the Attica Region: A Spatial Analysis at Different Scales,” reflects his expertise in spatial analysis. He also earned a Master’s Degree in Cartographic Production and Geographic Information Systems from the University of Barcelona in 2008. Doctor Boyra is the Deputy Director and Head of Research at Formatic University School Barcelona, which is affiliated with the University of Girona. He leads the Research Group for the Analysis and Planning of Tourism (GREPAT) at Formatic Barcelona University School. Additionally, he serves as an Associate Professor at both Ramon Llull University and the University of Barcelona. Dr. Boyra is accredited by ANECA.

Jordi Garcia , Escuela Universitaria Formatic Barcelona

Ph.D. Candidate with a Master’s Degree in Political Science and Administration from the University of Barcelona. He also holds a Law degree from Antonio de Nebrija University and a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in the Doctorate in Political Science and Management of University Institutions from Abat Oliba University. He currently serves as the Director of Escola Universitària Formatic Barcelona, affiliated with the University of Girona. Additionally, he is a member of the Research Group for the Analysis and Planning of Tourism (GREPAT) at Formatic Barcelona University School.

Joan Sorribes, Escuela Universitaria Formatic Barcelona

Holds a Ph.D. in Economics, specializing in Applied Economics, from the University of Girona. He is a member of the INSETUR Research Group and the Research Group for the Analysis and Planning of Tourism (GREPAT) at the Formatic Barcelona University School. Additionally, he is affiliated with the competitive consolidated research group SGR “TRIP” at the University of Girona. At Formatic Barcelona University School, he serves as the Head of Quality and the Head of the Department of Economic and Legal Sciences. He also holds positions as an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, University of Girona, and at the School of Social and Business Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University. His scientific interests include economic crises, corporate social responsibility, human resource management, sustainable tourism, and e-learning.

Anna Alvado, Escuela Universitaria Formatic Barcelona

Ph.D. candidate and holds a Master’s Degree in Information and Knowledge Society from the Open University of Catalonia. She also completed a Postgraduate program in Corporate Communication and Service Quality at the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication Sciences, Ramon Llull University, where she earned her degree in Communication Sciences. Currently, she serves as Head of Studies and Head of the Department of Marketing and Communication at Formatic Barcelona University School. Additionally, she is a member of the Research Group for the Analysis and Planning of Tourism (GREPAT) at Formatic Barcelona University School.

Jucinara Schena, Escuela Universitaria Formatic Barcelona

Holds a Ph.D. in Communication from Pompeu Fabra University. She is a professional at the intersection of project management in the theme parks and attractions industry, uniquely integrating her background in journalism into her role as Head of Project Management and Producer. Additionally, she is a member of the Research Group for the Analysis and Planning of Tourism (GREPAT) at the Formatic Barcelona University School.

Joaquin Garcia-Lavernia, Escuela Universitaria Formatic Barcelona

Professional consultant, researcher, and university lecturer specializing in the field of Communication, encompassing advertising, journalism, public relations, propaganda, and image consultancy for both individuals and organizations. He is a distinguished member of the European Council of Doctorates and Doctores Honoris Causa. Additionally, he is a member of the Research Group for the Analysis and Planning of Tourism (GREPAT) at the Formatic Barcelona University School.


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Jak cytować
Boyra, J., Garcia , J., Sorribes, J., Alvado, A., Schena, J. i Garcia-Lavernia, J. 2024. Budynek Casa Vidua Marfà: Świadectwo minionej epoki. Perspektywy Kultury. 46, 3 (wrz. 2024), 461-478. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2024.4603.29.