Sergey Troitskiy


PhD in philosophy (Saint Petersburg State University), title of dissertation: "The Social Nature of Laughter". Prior to 2022 (Russian invasion of Ukraine), he was Chair of the Research Centre for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones (Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016 -2022), Chair of the Laboratory for Gelological Studies (Sociological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2019-2022), Chair of the Research Centre for Cultural Studies and Intercultural Communication (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 2020-2022), Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Vita Cogitans" (2013 -2022), Senior Researcher (Institute of Human Philosophy, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 2019-2022), Senior Lecturer (Department of Russian Philosophy and Culture, Institute of Philosophy, Saint Petersburg State University, 2015 - 2022), Expert of the Russian Science Foundation (2015 -2022), Expert of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation (2014 -2022).

Extra Researcher at the Estonian Literary Museum (Department of Folklore), Tartu.

His scholarly interests focus on the history of Russian philosophy, the history and theory of Russian culture, the Russian avant-garde, Folk Culture, gelology (laughter studies), the theory of cultural exclusion and frontier zones, trauma and memory studies, the Russian philosophy of art, the methodology of cultural studies in the perspectives of Russian philosophy, visual rhetoric.

Author of more than 100 publications (i.e. three books, more than 60 articles in scientific journals, about 30 chapters in monographs), has been guest editor at Rivista di Estetica, Studia Culturae, Journal of Frontier Studies, Folklore: EJF, European Journal of Humour Research, Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies, Perspektyvy Kultury . Organiser and member of the organising and scientific committees of about 40 international conferences in Poland, Russia and Estonia. He has lectured in Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Germany and Serbia. He is a member of the scientific advisory boards of international journals.


Bibliography (recent, selected)

1) Troitskiy, S. & Rezvukhina, An. & Rezvukhina, Al.  (2023). The Russian Imagological Bestiary: The Zoomorphic Image of the Enemy (“Other”) at the Turn of the Century, 1890–1905. In: Kati Parppei and Bulat Rakhimzyanov (eds) Images of Otherness in Russia, 1547–1917, Boston, pp. 295-328.

2) Troitskiy, S. & Troitskaya, A. (2020). Mikhail Frejdenberg: Ein Intellektueller jüdischer Herkunft in der Geschichte der russischen Literatur und Kultur. In: Schoor, Kerstin / Voloshchuk, Ievgeniia / Bigun, Borys (Hg.): Blondzhende Stern. Jüdische Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller aus der Ukraine als Grenzgänger zwischen den Kulturen in Ost und West. Göttingen: Wallstein, S.153-170.

3) Troitskiy, S. (2019). On possibility and necesserity of the first philosophy after revolution [О возможности и необходимости новой философии после революции], In:  Art and Revolution. After one hundred years [Искусство и революция: сто лет спустя]. Belgrad, pp.  22-43.

4) Troitskiy, S., & Tsarev, A. (2022). Topographic Hierarchy: an Interdisciplinary Study of Mental Space in the Perspective of Topographic Preferences. Journal of Frontier Studies7(2): 114-145.

5) Troitskiy, S. (2022). Memorial Narrative and Procedural Aspects of Cultural Exclusion. Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies4(2): 15-40.

6) Troitskiy S. (2021). Topography of the Alien: National Stereotypes of Geography Textbooks as a Basis for Caricatured Visualization of Ideas About Space at the Turn of the 20th Century [Топография чужого: национальные стереотипы учебников географии как основание карикатурной визуализации представлений о пространстве на стыке XIX–XX веков]. ΠΡΑΞΗMΑ. Journal of Visual Semiotics, 4 (30): 234-255.

7) Troitskiy S. (2021). In Search of Total Order: Solidifying Borders and a Stable Identity, Journal of Frontier Studies, 6.1: 196-225

8) Troitskiy, S. (2021). Is parody dangerous?. The European Journal of Humour Research9(2): 92–111.

9) Troitskiy, S. (2021). Trauma and the Victim Economy. Folklore, 83: 29-46.

10) Troitskiy, S. & Ulrich P. (2019). The Complexity of «Borders»: Research Agendas, Terminology and Classification. Journal of Frontier Studies, 4.2: 234-256.


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