Peer Review Proccess

The procedure for qualifying texts to be printed.

The editors of Perspectives on Culture follow the recommendations of the the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Detailed procedures are available here.

  1. Submit your text via the OJS platform to the journal editor.
  2. If the text has not been prepared according to the editorial rules specified in the instructions for authors, the editors will ask the author to make corrections and additions before forwarding the article to the reviewers.
  3. In the case of articles prepared in accordance with the editorial rules specified in the instructions for authors, the editors prequalify articles submitted in terms of compatibility with the theme and profile of the journal.
  4. In the case of a positive qualification of an article, the editorial office appoints two reviewers affiliated to a different entity than the parent affiliation of the author or authors.
  5. The editors do not disclose the identity of authors to reviewers and also do not inform the author of the identity of reviewers.
  6. The content of a review is not disclosed to third parties in accordance with our accepted ethical principles.
  7. Every review ends with a clear conclusion as to whether the article is suitable for publication or not (with corrections or not), or whether the article is to be improved and re-reviewed, or should the article be rejected. Arguments for the conclusion must be provided.
  8. The names of reviewers of specific texts are not disclosed, but a cumulative list of reviewers is printed in the last issue of a given year of the quarterly.
  9. Once both reviews have been received, the editors get acquainted with them and make further decisions about the article, informing the author or authors of the content of the reviews. The editor-in-chief makes the final decision on publication.
  10. The review process takes between 1 and 3 months (this depends on a number of factors, including vacation periods or finding the right expert).
  11. If revisions are suggested in a review, authors are asked to submit them within one month.
  12. The Editorial Board accepts and may publish texts authored by its members. In such a case, the Editorial Board member who is the author of the text shall be excluded from the review process.