Topics of 2024 Issues


No 44, 2024/1
"Culture in Media, Media in Culture"

Call for papers to Issue 41 of Perspectives on Culture (1/2024)

Technological determinism has changed the habits and communication rituals of most societies. The permeation of the virtual and the real has not only accelerated the circulation of information, but also influenced its perception, functional models and action patterns. The dominant role of media and media devices in the modern world, providing a spectrum of opportunities, has made users significantly dependent on devices and access to media.

In the forthcoming issue, we would like to reflect not only on the role of the media in contemporary communicative and cultural rituals, but also present the media as a platform for the transmission of culture and values. The issue will present interdisciplinary scientific papers from the following disciplines: cultural and religious studies in addition to social communication and media sciences, history, pedagogy, sociological sciences and economics. Insights from many research perspectives will not only enable us to satisfy various information gaps, but also identify new directions of research to follow.

The proposed collection will address the ontology, axiology and anthropology of the new kind of meta-reality and the impact thereof on its users. We invite you to reflect on this novel modality of information acquisition and processing, and the contemporary ways of cultural participation.

In addition, the Varia section will present articles not necessarily related to the main theme, but will also deal with issues at the intersection of culture, media and society present in research in the disciplines of cultural and religious studies, history, literary studies, philosophy and cultural management.

Guest Editor of the Issue: Jarosław Kinal, PhD, University of Rzeszow

We are looking forward to receiving your articles!

Deadline for submission of texts: 31 September 2023


No 45, 2024/2
"Transformations: Time in Culture, Literature, and Language"

Call for papers to Issue 45 of Perspectives on Culture (2/2/2024)

As the world today faces various contingencies connected with the results of the global pandemic, multiple economic challenges, military conflicts, and a major environmental crisis, we are turning our eyes towards the significance of time in the processes of transformation.

In this spirit, it is our pleasure to invite your potential contribution to the present Volume. We welcome texts which focus on change in the broad sense, which may be conceptualised as both an abrupt revolution and a gradual, evolutionary process affected over time. While the former often thematises crisis, the latter may evolve imperceptibly, sometimes connoting atemporality, with the final transformation registered as a dis/continuation of certain trends, attitudes, or currents. With these perspectives in mind, we would like to invite our fellow scholars to reflect on caesuras and continuities as well as diachronic and synchronic views on culture, language, and literature.

The team of “Perspectives on Culture” welcome contributions of around 35 000 characters in both the Polish and English languages. The articles are supposed to explore the theme of synchronic, diachronic, and (a)temporal transformations within the fields of literary, linguistic, and culture studies. We are waiting for proposals by December 15 2023.

Guest Editor of the Issue: dr Sylwia Janina Wojciechowska

Please do not hesitate to contribute to our Volume!

Deadline for submission of texts: 15 December 2023


No 46, 2024/3
"Synagoga i Eklezja - przeszłość, teraźniejszość, przyszłość"

Call for papers to Issue 46 of Perspectives on Culture (3/2024)


You are very welcome to submit your texts!

Deadline for submission of texts: 31 March 2024


No 47, 2024/4
"Student Culture, Academic Culture – History and Present Day"

Call for papers to Issue 47 of Perspectives on Culture (4/2024)

The cultural and social life of university students from the Middle Ages to the present day has been closely correlated with academic centers. The cultural activity of students, employees and alumni in the academic environment, expressed, among other things, in the creation of clubs, student art, student and academic tourism, or organizing social gatherings, is an integral part of the mission of any university. It positively influences its environmental image and shapes students’ attitudes, building social capital that appealing to higher values. Cultural integration creates lasting relationships between students, graduates and the university.

The history of individual academic centers (Polish and foreign) provides us with examples that attest to the importance of student cultural activities, even influencing specific cultural breakthroughs. Even today, in many academic centers, student culture is an important part of academic identity.

However, nowadays (according to various guidelines) a much greater role is attributed to the influence of the university on the socio-economic environment (especially concerning activities of a scientific and didactic nature), while its cultural role is marginalized. Meanwhile, for centuries, student culture has constituted one of the most interesting phenomena of the socio-cultural nature. There is clearly a need for a public debate on the phenomenon of student culture and to show it in the historical, social, religious and civilizational context.

For the planned issue of Perspectives on Culture devoted to Student Culture, Academic Culture – History and Present Day, we will accept articles in Polish and in conference languages (English preferred). The texts should be theoretical considerations or studies of a selected case and they should address issues closely related to the topic. The editors reserve the right to select texts.

Guest Editors:
Beata Bigaj-Zwonek, PhD, AIK Professor,
Monika Stankiewicz-Kopeć, PhD, AIK Professor,
Michał Szanduła, PhD


Submissions closed.


We invite you to publish your texts in out scientific journal Perspektywy kultury/Perspectives on Culture. Journal Parameter - 100 points. Detailed instructions on