Dzieci Ojczyzny, a Collection of Short Stories by Maria Dąbrowska in 1918, and its Reflection in the Noce i dnie Novel Published in 1932-1934

Keywords: school strike, independence, para-documentary aspect


The entire collection of 1918 stories, especially the last one, entitled My, polskie dzieci! [We, the Polish children!], describing the school strike in Kalisz of 1905, opens Maria Dąbrowska’s many years of reflection on what the future Polish independence should be like. Therefore, 1905 is an important moment in her work, and the description of the school strike in Kalisz exists in her output in three versions. When political independence became reality, the writer took the tedious work of writ­ing her great novel, Noce i dnie [Nights and Days] to describe not only the background of the 1918 independence, as she did in her collection published the same year, but also in order to better explore the concept of social independence. The novel is intended to transform the reader from a passive recipient of the political independence into a conscious and active participant of their personal and social independence.

Author Biography

Wilhelm Coindre, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw

Born on 6 December 1971 in Bourges, France. Literary historian, French, Italian and Polish studies scholar, teacher. Graduate from the University of Poitiers (interdisciplinary Master’s Degree in History and Literature in pre-war Italian silent film), and the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Polish Studies (comparative Master’s thesis on dual grammatical number in adjecti­ves in Old Church Slavonic in comparison with the contemporary Po­lish language based on the 11th-century Codex Suprasliensis). He con­ducts research on the borderline of history, literature and the history of ideas. He is working on a comparative doctoral dissertation in the field of Polish, French and Italian twentieth century.


Dąbrowska, M. (1964). Pisma rozproszone, ed. E. Korzeniewska. Kraków: Wy¬dawnictwo Literackie.

Dąbrowska, M. (1968). Noce i dnie, wydanie XVI w 5 tomach. Warszawa: Czytelnik.

Dąbrowska, M. (2013). Noce i dnie, ed. E. Głębicka, vol. 1-3. Warszawa: IBL.

Dąbrowska, M. (2014). Dzieci ojczyzny. Poznań: Zysk i S-ka.

Głębicka, E. (2015). Dąbrowska (nie)znana. Szkice. Warszawa: Trzecia strona.

How to Cite
Coindre, W. 2020. Dzieci Ojczyzny, a Collection of Short Stories by Maria Dąbrowska in 1918, and its Reflection in the Noce i dnie Novel Published in 1932-1934. Perspectives on Culture. 24, 1 (Feb. 2020), 23-38. DOI:
Thoughts on Independence