Book culture in Slovakia after the year 2000

  • Jaroslav Šrank Comenius University in Bratislava


The aim of this paper is to provide basic information on the main components of book culture in Slovakia in the first decades of the 21st century. The article starts with a brief overview of the existing volumes on the topic of contemporary book culture in Slovakia. In core, the paper analyses state support for book publishing, structure of publishers, book market, reading, libraries and book awards. Empirical data comes from available official documents and statistics.

Author Biography

Jaroslav Šrank, Comenius University in Bratislava

Associate professor of Slovak literature at the Department of Slovak Language and Literature at the Faculty of Education of Comenius University in Bratislava. He collaborated on collective works Viliam Marčok et al.: Dejiny slovenskej literatúry III (2004, 2006) and Valér Mikula et al.: Slovník slovenských spisovateľov (2005). Author of books: Autorské texty s folklórnou dimenziou (2009), Nesamozrejmá poézia (2009), Individualizovaná literatúra. Slovenská poézia konca 20. a začiatku 21. storočia z perspektívy nastupujúcich autorov (2013) and Aktéri a tendencie literárnej kultúry na Slovensku po roku 1989 (2015). His main areas of interest cover theory, interpretation and reviews of Slovak poetry, history of the 20th century Slovak literature and contemporary literary life.

How to Cite
Šrank, J. 2018. Book culture in Slovakia after the year 2000. Perspectives on Culture. 22, 3 (Jul. 2018), 21-42.