Appetite for McDonaldization – consumerism eaten by hamburgers.

  • Katarzyna Krupicka Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie


McDonaldization has appeared with gastronomic fast food and it has intruded into social daily processes. George Riter took up this topic and he explain what is the phenomenon and process of social Mc- Donaldization.

Globalization has significant contributed to evolution, spread and preservation of this phenomenon. Except understanding of McDonaldization we have to consider the future of culture subjected to this process and its confines.

Author Biography

Katarzyna Krupicka, Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie

Doktorantka Kulturoznawstwa na Akademii Ignatianum w Krakowie o zainteresowaniach badawczych dotyczących szeroko rozumianej kultury współczesnej ( współczesny design, fotografia, nowe media, współczesne problemy socjologiczne i kulturoznawcze).

How to Cite
Krupicka, K. 2018. Appetite for McDonaldization – consumerism eaten by hamburgers. Perspectives on Culture. 22, 3 (Jul. 2018), 135-144.