Circumstances of Poland’s Independence in Women’s Accounts. Participants and Witnesses

Keywords: independence, women, 1918, diaries, Piłsudski


Women have always played an important, though not always fully perceived and properly exposed, role in the history of our nation. They were active participants in many significant events, engaged in armed struggle and took part in political and social life. They supported soldiers and political activists. This has given them an important place in the public consciousness. It is hard to imagine discussing any event today without taking into account the participation of women and the female perspective on the event. This also applies to Poland’s regaining of independence in 1918. It is worth looking at these events through the prism of not only famous writers, but also other women (among others: Zofia Romanowicz, Countess Maria Lubomirska), who, by taking part or observing, recorded them as written accounts.

Author Biography

Jolanta Załęczny, Museum of Independence in Warsaw Vistula Academy of Finance and Business, branch Academy of Aleksander Gieysztor in Pułtusk

Historian, Polish scholar, regionalist, museologist. Head of the History and Scientific Research Department of the Muse­um of Independence in Warsaw; research and teaching staff member of AFiB Vistula, branch: Academy of Aleksander Gieysztor in Pułtusk Research interests: Polish history of the second half of the nineteenth century and the 1918-1939 period, the fates of the participants of the January Uprising, the presence of Poles in the history of other na­tions, the widely understood Mazovia regionalism, museum educa­tion. Author of monographs, chapters in collective works and articles in scientific journals, scientific editor of collective publications.


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How to Cite
Załęczny, J. 2019. Circumstances of Poland’s Independence in Women’s Accounts. Participants and Witnesses. Perspectives on Culture. 25, 2 (Jul. 2019), 13-28. DOI:
The Independence Announced