The Conceptualization of the Phenomenon of Corporeality in Biblical Discourse

Based on the drama-parable Cursed by Alexandr Chyrkov and drama‑tale My soul with a scar on the knee by Jaroslav Vereshchak

Keywords: dramatic text, conceptualization, concept, corporality


The article deals with the features of the conceptualization of corpore­ality in literary interpretation as an instrument and a category realized in the figural-emotive paradigm of the dramaturgy of the contemporary Ukrainian authors, A. Chyrkov and J. Vereshchak. It should be noted that in the studied dramatic works the conceptualization of the corpo­real code of culture is extremely clear. It appeals to many biblical motifs with appropriate an sphere of concepts. The dramatic works suggest that evangelical projection demonstrates four concepts that itemize the specifics and principles of embodiment of physicality in the biblical discourse: 1) “Five wounds of Jesus Christ,” 2) “The Crucifixion,” 3) “The sinful flesh,” 4) “Body of Christ.” Corporeality in the biblical discourse corre­lates with world-modeling categories such as “soul” and “thing.”

Author Biography

Iryna Taraba, Zhytomyr State University of Ivan Franko (Zhytomyr, Ukraine)

Ph.D. candidate, lecturer at the Department of Ger­man Philology and Foreign Literature at the Institute of Foreign Phi­lology of the Zhytomyr State University of Ivan Franko. Scientific in­terests: somatic phraseology in German language, conceptualization of corporeality in dramatic texts.


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How to Cite
Taraba, I. 2019. The Conceptualization of the Phenomenon of Corporeality in Biblical Discourse: Based on the drama-parable Cursed by Alexandr Chyrkov and drama‑tale My soul with a scar on the knee by Jaroslav Vereshchak. Perspectives on Culture. 26, 3 (Oct. 2019), 23-30. DOI:
The Bible in Culture