Barriers in Servicing Visitors of Heritage Trails – the Example of Cultural Trials in Małopolska Voivodeship

  • Marcin Laberschek Jagiellonian University
Keywords: cultural trails, Małopolska heritage trails, mystery tourist, tourist service


The popularity of cultural heritage trails is on the rise. The paper de-scribes barriers which a person who wants to travel using cultural her-itage trails of the Małopolska heritage/cultural trails may face. The au-thor attempts at finding out whether cultural heritage trails operators are able to deal with their increasing popularity. To answer this ques-tion, a “mystery tourist” study was done. The tourist-researcher exam-ined the quality and availability of needed information, both via an In-ternet platform and by making phone calls with trail operators. It has been shown that the barriers in servicing the “mystery tourist” were fo-cused especially on two areas: establishing contact and telephone con-versations with the operators of the trails and the inadequate function-ality of the “Szlaki Małopolski” Internet platform. The paper describes detailed results of the research.

Author Biography

Marcin Laberschek, Jagiellonian University

Ph.D. in Management Science; employee of the Department of Management, Economics of Media and Advertising at the Cultural Institute of the Jagiellonian University. Author of scientific papers on management and marketing in culture, media and adverti-sing, including monograph: Symboliczne stanowienie władzy w organi-zacjach (2018). Since 2018, deputy editor-in-chief of the “Zarządzanie w Kulturze” scientific journal. His interests focus on research metho-dology in humanistic management, managing cultural organizations, symbolic and cultural dimensions of management, marketing and ad-vertising, critical marketing, postmarketing and postmodern market management.


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How to Cite
Laberschek, M. 2019. Barriers in Servicing Visitors of Heritage Trails – the Example of Cultural Trials in Małopolska Voivodeship. Perspectives on Culture. 26, 3 (Oct. 2019), 113-134. DOI: