Polish Literature in Albanian

  • Leonard Zissi Albanian-Polish Friendship Society
Keywords: Polish Literature, Albania, Albanian-Polish Friendship Society, Ryszard Kapuściński, Wisława Szymborska


Albania is a small country in Europe, which was under Turkish occupation for nearly five centuries. It did not regain its independence until 28 November 1912. During the occupation there was almost no foreign literature translated into Albanian, as more than 85% of the population were illiterate and in general there were no scientific institutions or schools. The first primary school was opened in 1887. Only in the 1920s, with the emergence of intelligentsia, world literature started to be translated into Albanian, which included Polish literature. However, the translations were not done from the Polish language but from Italian translations of it. The first Polish literary work translated into Albanian from Italian was the Nobel prize winner Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novel, Quo Vadis? (in 1933). The book was translated for the second time in 1999. The translation of Polish literature into  Albanian gained momentum after World War II, and especially after 2000. So far, nearly 55 books by 34 Polish authors have been translated into  Albanian, including Adam Mickiewicz (among them his great work, Pan Tadeusz), Henryk Sienkiewicz, Boleslaw Prus, Czesław Miłosz, Wisława Szymborska, Olga Tokarczuk, Ryszard Kapuściński, Tadeusz Różewicz, Witold Gombrowicz, Fr. Marcin Czermiński, and  others. At the same time, 8 Albanian authors wrote books on Polish topics in Albanian. Apart from the Albanian translators from Albania, Polish literature has also been translated into Albanian by Albanians from Kosovo. In comparison with other European countries,  Albania is a leader as far as the number of Polish books translated is concerned. Polish literature in Albanian is generally popular among Albanian readers. Some of the books are published for the second, or even after the third time.

Author Biography

Leonard Zissi, Albanian-Polish Friendship Society

Graduated from high school in Tirana and comple­ted graduate studies in Poland in 1956-1961 at the Warsaw Universi­ty of Technology. After returning to the country he worked in various institutions: the General Directorate of Albanian Railways, for many years in the Ministry of Transport (1983-1992 – Director of the De­partment of International Cooperation), and educator at the Universi­ty of Tirana. In 1973-1979 he was a diplomat at the Albanian Embassy in Warsaw, in 1979-1983 he worked at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Albania, and in 1992-2003 he was a Representative of the Józef Pił­sudski Gdansk Shiprepair Yard at the Durres-Gdansk Shipyard SA in Albania. Retired since 2003. His passion is translation of Polish litera­ture into Albanian. He translated seven books and three plays from Po­lish, among others, one about Chopin and one about Marie Skłodow­ska-Curie. He is one of the founders of the Albanian-Polish Friendship Society, founded in 1991, and the Society of Fryderyk Chopin in Alba­nia, founded in 1995. Since its foundation of 2015, he had been Presi­dent of the Albanian-Polish Friendship Society, and since 2015 he has been the Honorary President of the Society. He holds the Bene Meri­to Badge of Honor issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Re­public of Poland awarded by Radosław Sikorski, No. 150/2011, dated 21 February 2011, “For activities that strengthen Poland’s position in the international arena.”


Almanac: Polish literature in Albanian prepared by the Polish Embassy in Ti¬rana in 2013.

Almanac: Polish literature in Albanian – Overview of new works and opinions, translated for 2014-2016; prepared by the Polish Embassy in Tirana in 2016.

The Europa magazine, Iss. 4/2024 and Iss. 16/2017, issued by the Institute of International Studies in Tirana.

Astrit Beqiraj: Polish literature over the years.

How to Cite
Zissi, L. 2019. Polish Literature in Albanian. Perspectives on Culture. 25, 2 (Jul. 2019), 145-158. DOI:https://doi.org/10.35765/pk.2019.2502.11.