Youth Literature on the Polish Publishing Market in 2008-2018 (Trends, Currents, Phenomena)

Keywords: young readers’ books, Poland, publishing market, publishing repertoire, 2008-2018


In 2008-2018, the Polish market of young readers’ books was subject to various fluctuations related to economic determinants, demogra-phy and changing cultural trends or fashions. The dynamics of sales was determined by best-selling fantasy series coming mainly from the Anglo-Saxon literature. Although Harry Potter was not followed by an equally successful novel cycle, the main elements of its marketing strategy have been duplicated and continued. An important reinforce-ment of the message was the screening of a particular plot, and thus its multiplication in various media channels. Fantasy themes often re-ferring to the elements of horror, Gothic novels, and even dystopian thrillers dominated. Generic syncretism and even various formal ex-periments in the spirit of deconstruction have become characteristic of the contemporary youth book market. In contrast, the list of awards of the Polish section of the IBBY stands in opposition to this trend, which promoted, in the overwhelming majority, novels of morals na-ture, addressing difficult and controversial problems of adolescence, interpersonal relationships, otherness, etc. In this context, we can ob-serve a change in the values promoted and a transition from an edu-cative normative system to glorifying freedom and tolerance towards a wide range of behaviors and attitudes.

Author Biography

Michał Rogoż, Pedagogical University of Krakow

Michał Rogoż – associate professor employed at the Institute of Information Sciences at the Pedagogical University of Krakow, associate professor at the Department of Information Management. Author of more than 100 works in the field of communication sciences, media and literary studies. He has published the following books: Czasopisma dla dzieci i młodzieży Instytutu Wydawniczego „Nasza Księgarnia” w latach 19451989. Studium historycznoprasowe (2009); Fantastycznie obecne. Anglojęzyczne bestsellerowe cykle powieściowe dla dzieci i młodzieży we współczesnej polskiej przestrzeni medialnej (2015); Coauthor of: Prasa dla dzieci i młodzieży 18241918, Vol. 13 (2018). He gave dozens of papers at national and international conferences. Member of e.g. the Press Studies Committee at the Polish Academy of Sciences – Branch in Krakow, the Polish Librarians Association, the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), and the Polish Society for Scientific Information. Member of the editorial boards of “Rocznik Historii Prasy Polskiej” and “Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Bibliothecarum Scientiam Pertinentia,” and also the editorial boards of “Poradnik Bibliotekarza” and the series Literatura dla Dzieci i Młodzieży. Studia.


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How to Cite
Rogoż, M. 2019. Youth Literature on the Polish Publishing Market in 2008-2018 (Trends, Currents, Phenomena). Perspectives on Culture. 25, 2 (Jul. 2019), 179-192. DOI: