Negative WoM and its Transmission on OSN: The Determining Role of the Seeding Population

Keywords: viral marketing, Negative Word of Mouth (NWOM), network engineering, Online Social Networks, Initial Seeding Population, Facebook


This paper is a contribution to the knowledge of WoM transmis­sion on OSN. We specifically analyze the role of the seeding popula­tion diffusion of negative WoM. The method is based on an experi­ment on the Facebook fan base of an existing company. We manage to control the four elements of a successful WoM communication: the message, the social structure of the network, the characteristics of the individuals in the network, and the seeding population. We de­velop an original method to dissociate a seeding population from the general population and compare the diffusion of a set of negative messages distributed to both the original population and the artifi­cially targeted subset. Results show the impact of the seeding popu­lation’s characteristics on the diffusion of consumers’ negative mes­sages. We specifically show the impact of the carrier on the virality of the message.

Author Biographies

Nasri Messarra, Université Saint-Joseph of Lebanon

Full time Assistant Professor at the Saint-Joseph Uni­versity of Beirut (Lebanon). He teaches digital marketing strategies and social networks analysis. He also directs the Master in Informa­tion and Communication program at the University. As a researcher, he focuses on social networks analysis, mainly Twitter discussions, and digital marketing.

Anne Mione, Université de Montpellier

Full Professor at Montpellier University. She teaches strategic marketing, quality management and strategy. She directs the Retail Strategic Management Master. Her main research relates to standards, certifications and quality labels and she specifically ob­serves the firm strategies in the emergence, diffusion and competition between standards and rival networks. She published a book on stan­dardization strategies and focus now on coopetition on standardiza­tion. She also wrote articles in journals such as M@n@gement, Ma­nagement International, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Science Direct-TransTech Publications, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management.


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How to Cite
Messarra, N. and Mione, A. 2020. Negative WoM and its Transmission on OSN: The Determining Role of the Seeding Population. Perspectives on Culture. 27, 4 (Jan. 2020), 127-152. DOI:
Cross Cultural Management