The Artistic Reception of the Bible Legend about Cain and Abel in Modern Ukrainian Literature
The article investigates the reception of the biblical tale of Cain and Abel in the story by A. Zabuzhko Kazka pro kalinovu sopilku (The tale of Cain’s Flute) and the poem by O. Irvanec, Braty (Brothers). The subject of the study were the forms and methods of interpreting traditional motifs and images.
The biblical legend, its folklore and literary interpretations were selected as the basis for the considerations (J.H. Byron, I. Franko). Following an anti-religious trend in the treatment of traditional images, the authors created a postmodern version of Cain - a murderer and victim at the same time. The material of the Cainic tale also served the writers to address the issue of the relationship between extraordinary personalities and the average ones, and the lesser value of the first in the eyes of God. The result of the study are conclusions about the nature of postmodern reinterpretation of literary tradition in the works of A. Zabuzhko and O. Irvanec.
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Irvanec, O. (1991). Tin’ velykoho klasyka’ ta inshi virshi. Kyiv: Molod.
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Zabuzhko, O. (2004). Kazka pro kalinovu sopilku. In Sestro, sestro. Kyiv: Fakt.
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